
Who is Samantha Gordon?

I am a mother, creative entrepreneur, writer, floral designer, self-care advocate, daughter, older sister, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. Yes, I wear many hats. I wear them very well too lol. 

What inspired you to start your business? 

A few different things. Not wanting to work for anyone being the main thing, wanting to be a full-time mom, my vision, waking up everyday and genuinely loving what I do, creating my own schedule and being on my own time, creating generational wealth to pass down to my children, the future life I want for my children and myself, not having a cap on my financial income, and inspiring others. All these things contributed to starting my business. 

What has been the biggest obstacle that you had to overcome?

I’d say me being in an unhealthy headspace, mentally exhausted. All while having to mother my children. When you aren’t good mentally, everything else seems to go downhill—and quick. Your emotional, physical, etc, state also becomes hard to manage. This is why I’m an advocate for self-care/ self-love. When you’re not okay mentally, how can you manage everything else? Or even mother your children? This is how I got my mental health in check: stay in prayer and firm in faith, taking a break and accepting help(moms deserve breaks too), rest, disconnect to recharge, get my thoughts out on paper, keep a few solid people in your corner to pray, laugh and even cry with. 

What inspires you to keep going?

My children and my purpose. Just the thought of my children makes me go 10x harder. They make me feel like I can do anything and accomplish everything. I know that God has given me purpose to serve and inspire others. That has kept me going over the years. Every single time that I’ve overcome an obstacle, God has put someone in my life that needed me and the lessons I’ve learned. Most of which who have been mothers and women. It’s always been alignment. This is how I know I’m walking in my purpose. My trials and experiences—it’s bigger than me. So these things keep me going. 

What advice can you give to momtrepreneurs?

I get this question a lot, and I can’t stress enough to practice self-care so that you are well in every aspect, take your time but don’t waste your time. Find your own balance between work while maintaining the kids and household. It’s no blueprint to this. Do what works for you. When creating or managing your business, always be confident, consistent, authentic and your true self. Stay focused on your vision. Nobody is like you and that is your power. 

What are some of your favorite business hacks, tips or tricks?

The goal is to create a successful, growing and impactful business. A few business hacks that I live by are; to be relatable to my audience, create meaningful content(people often think you have to post all day. Not true. Yes, be consistent but create things of substance—content that holds weight), be present on social media(it will drive your sales and site audience), ask for feedback from your audience, provide amazing service, be strategic, never cut corners. 

What new things can we look forward to coming from Creative Studio?

Ah, all feel good things! My candle collection, stationery products, new cozy apparel, and some amazing collaborations. Everything I do and/or create, I want it to be felt. I’m bringing you all the feels!

Where can we find you?

You can find me on Instagram at samanthaagordon_ and through my site at I’d love to connect, come by and say hello. 

Angila Curvey-ChukwuComment