
Holding on to negative things are like you drinking the poison waiting for the other person to die. It is so important for your health, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to forgive and move forward. Please know that I am in no way negating your feelings. We must talk it out, write it out, just get it out so that we are no longer trying to deal with the issue on our own.

Forgiving someone does not mean that you condone or agree with what they did, it frees you from having to carry the burden. It is the power that breaks the chains of bitterness and anger and sets you free from the shackles of your own prison.  Some things are deeper than others and can take time to completely heal, but trusting in God and giving it to Him, it can happen, trust me, I know. When you forgive it will not always mean that you will not think about those things again, but when they do pop up, remind yourself that you are not going there again, that you have forgiving this person and this situation and think on things that are productive.

The most important person to forgive is yourself! The enemy will always try to bring up things of the past to throw you off your path for today and tomorrow. He tries to make you fell like you are not worthy of forgiveness and all that you have accomplished. Well let me tell you that you most definitely are worthy of being forgiven!!! And this even stands true if the person that you have asked for forgiveness chooses not to forgive you, that is now their problem, not yours.

In life we must do our part and leave the rest to God. Walking in a place of unforgiveness of yourself and others will hinder you from living in your full potential. It is a yoke that will allow you to only go but so far. I encourage you today, to take the time to write down all the things that you are holding against others and pray about each and everyone of them very specifically. This can be a process that may take some time to get through it and that is alright, just do it. I promise once you get through it, you will feel much better. You will be free from the bondage of unforgiveness. It is like surgery, the recovery process takes time, but it is well worth it

Forgiveness is a choice. Choose wisely.

Angila Curvey-ChukwuComment